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Applications Benefits Implementation Handling and storage Packaging Warning
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This solution is particularly intended for conditioning water from very high pressure steam generators supplied by osmosis water.

The risks incurred when the physico-chemical parameters of water are modified are the following :

– SCALING which results in a decrease of heat exchange which can cause local overheating or defects in the security mechanisms.

– CORROSION (by pitting, by differential aeration, pH range, …) can be localised both under the water level and in the entire steam system and condensates.

To these two phenomena we can add that of PRIMING (priming of water with steam) that can be the result of faulty heat exchanges, pollution of finished products when there is direct contact with steam, deposits on turbine blades, etc.

In case of regular malfunction of pre treatment system, the use of this solution considerably limits scaling into boilers.

This solution should not be used alone, it should always be associated with ODYVAP.


Solution ready to use without prior dilution, injected proportionally to the make-up (subservient to an impulse meter) or by time regulation (injection in discontinuous).

Improves heat exchange by preventing the formation of scale.

Complies with effluent standards in the correct dose.

Does not increase water salinity: Water saving at the blowdown.


Its implementation will be done through a dosing station proportionate to the make-up water which makes it possible to considerably reduce the time devoted to the implementation of the water treatment of steam generators.

The dosage will depend on the following parameters :

– Manufacturer’s instructions
– Quality of the makeup water. – Desired action

Generally between 5 and 50 ppm, the dosage will be adjusted according to analysis results.

It can also be incorporated into our ODYVAP solution as a dispersant supplement. Consult us.

In the absence of builder instructions, the analyses of water required for proper operation of an installation and for the control of the product are summarised here after :

Softened water TH < 0,2 °f
Feed water pH > 8,0
Boiler 9,5 < pH <12,0
TH = 0 ppm
TAC < 1200 ppm
Condensate pH > 8,0
Conductivity < 50 μS/cm
Additional testing can also be carried out. Please don't hesitate to contact us.

Handling and storage

It is recommended to take customary precautions while handling chemicals (gloves, glasses …).
Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

The products must be kept away from frost.


Physical Liquid
Color Colorless to yellowish
Odor Odorless
pH > 11,5


It is recommended to take customary precautions while handling chemicals (gloves, glasses …).

The products must be kept away from frost.


Note : Do not mix the undiluted product with other chemical compounds without consulting us first.

The information and recommendations contained in this instruction manual are based upon our joint work with our customers and our current knowledge. They are provided merely as an indication and do not constitute an obligation of result. Date : 18/10/2024.

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