Our solution has been specially designed to optimize the performances of reverse osmosis systems when they are fed with sulphates and chlorinated hard water (SO4 < 2500 ppm).
The principle of reverse osmosis consists in filtering water across a membrane whose porosity allows only the molecules of water to pass through, it is the perméat. All salts and other elements concentrates are kept by the membrane before being rejected, it is the concentrate.
The risks when the physicochemical parameters of water are changing by concentration of salts and suspended matters near the membrane, are SCALING and FOULING which have the following effect :
– Reduction of permeat flow rate, – An increase of the energy cost.
The adapted formulation of our mixture limits this phenomena thanks to the simultaneous action of its dispersing and antiscaling agents which prevent the precipitation of alcaline salts with bicarbonates. Moreover, its properties protect membranes against the biofilm and other fouling. The life of membranes is so increased and the technical drop of performance related to these phenomena is considerably decreased.
Its usage allows to avoid the use of a softener before the system of reverse osmosis.
Finally, it contains a chlorine reducer that prevents premature deterioration of the membrane.