I want to be able to prevent risks at my site using the latest cutting-edge technology
We work on all kinds of systems, conserving your resources without changing your internal processes.
Because water management has become an industrial performance issue, ODYSSEE Environnement developed original technology that provides a simplified, comprehensive way to verify system safety and anticipate any risks.
Why do we start with a thorough audit of your networks?
During this kind of comprehensive assessment, our hydroethicists identify your system’s risk points and the treatment needs of your system, your heat and cold generating units, your water network, and their emitters.
The cost of scaling
1 mm of limescale
can cause a 7.5% increase in the energy consumed by a piece of equipment
The cost of corrosion
5,5 tons of metal
are destroyed every second by corrosion
The dangers of bacterial growth
1,897 cases of Legionnaires’ disease in France in 2022
Legionella bacteria spread most in hot water, posing a risk of severe pneumonia when inhaled, which can be prevented by inspecting and cleaning your systems
ODYSECURE for results that speak for themselves!
3 cooling towers
99.2% positive results
The addition of ODYREF A56 to a biocidal treatment program controls the risk of legionella, while respecting Florette’s environmental commitments.
Type of system
3 tours aéroréfrigérantes : EVAPCO
We share our hydroethical approach to water with more than 8,500 sites in France alone.
Optimize your network performance in the long term
To plan ahead for the network disruptions that are naturally caused by water, ODYSSEE’s hydroethicists developed a series of active ingredients that prevent issues associated with process water and that optimize network performance in the long run.
Prevent any scale-related problems that diminish heat exchanges
Eliminate all bacterial risks, to ensure that networks operate at peak performance levels
Take action to combat corrosion, which accelerates system wear and tear
Manage and secure your water networks in real time
ODYSSEE Environnement has developed original technology that provides a simplified, comprehensive way to verify system safety and anticipate any risks. ODYSECURE was designed to adapt to any type of water circuit, regardless of which brand of sensors you use.
Do you have questions? We have the answers.
Are you interested in meeting with us, learning more about our products and services, or just want more information?
Complete this form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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