The first 100% biosourced scale inhibitor

Developed and exclusively offered by ODYSSEE’s teams of hydroethicists, ODYLIFE is the first 100% biosourced scale inhibitor.
It is concrete proof that it is possible to achieve sustainable, truly green industrial water treatment without using petrochemicals.

lower environmental impact
ODYLIFE petrochemical-based scale inhibitors and is capable of attaining better performance levels, even at an equivalent dosage
A life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out, proving that ODYLIFE has an 85% lower environmental impact than traditional solutions made from phosphates or polyacrylates.
In addition to its 100% biosourced composition (active ingredients and additives derived from plants), ODYSSEE’s teams worked on each step in the manufacturing process, to minimize ODYLIFE’s environmental footprint.
Comprehensive, durable solutions suited to any network
Our hydroethicists have developed solutions suitable for any network, featuring combinations of multiple innovative technologies from ODYSSEE. These comprehensive solutions are primarily made up of biosourced actives, which can replace up to 90% of the usual petrochemical agents.
ODYLIFE solutions don’t require any changes to existing water treatment processes or existing systems. They simply replace petrochemical-based agents with biosourced agents.
ODYPURE G815 is dosed to work with reverse-osmosis units. This solution ensures that equipment will function properly and productively over time.

ODYLIFE figures and accolades

1 agricultural value chain and 100% French production
Because the active ingredient in ODYLIFE is extracted from plants, this ODYSSEE innovation led to the organization of a French agricultural value chain dedicated to industrial water treatment.
1 hectare (about 100,000 sq.ft.) of ODYLIFE crops replaces more than 1 ton of phosphates or polyacrylates in water treatments.
Once harvested, the plants are transported to ODYSSEE’s production site in Requeil, France, for processing.

Over a decade of R&D
1 dissertation, 2 PhDs on ODYSSEE’s teams and multiple partnerships with colleges and universities
100+ plants studied in order to identify those that yield the best results. All of these were non-toxic and cultivatable in France, 2 non-negotiable characteristics for our teams of researchers.
32 eco-extraction methods tested before perfecting one that is both the most efficient and the least environmentally harmful.

Multiple awards
- 2016 Initiative PME Winner
- 2018 Grand Prix for Innovation in Technologies and Business Models from the French Ministry for Ecological and Inclusive Transition and ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition)
- 2020 Nantes Industry Award for Green Industry
- 2021 Regional Finalist for the Bioeconomy Trophies from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food

1 Solar Impulse “Effective Solution” label
After months of consideration, Solar Impulse awarded ODYLIFE its label, making it one of the foundation’s “1,000 solutions” and confirming that ODYLIFE is both clean and profitable.
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Our experts have the answers
The original idea was that anything that works on a small scale can work on an industrial scale, so long as you adjust the dosages of the active ingredients. ODYSSEE selected a series of plants out of more than a hundred possibilities and uses a cold extraction process to obtain a concentration of their active substances (to further reduce those substances’ carbon footprints).
Our ODYLIFE and ODYLIFE-based formulations have been tested in real-world conditions. The results show that ODYLIFE’s scale-inhibiting agent is more effective than equivalent dosages of petrochemical-based scale inhibitors.
ODYSSEE is so sure of the solutions developed by our teams, and of those solutions’ positive impact on both the environment and industrial circuits, that we bill our clients based on the savings they actually achieve. Our shared performance plans are based on a series of performance indicators that we work with you to define. ODYSSEE then produces billing based on a percentage of the recorded performance levels.
Just like with more traditional solutions, there is no need to adapt your networks to make the change from a petrochemical-based product to our biosourced ODYLIFE solution.