Our mission: Taking action for ethical water performance
Working to serve manufacturers for more than 15 years now, we dedicate our water treatment
expertise to guaranteeing high-performing systems by optimizing their water and environmental
Our mission, enshrined in our by-laws, stems from the observation that there is
an urgent need to restore balance between water, industry and the environment.
Restoring balance between water, industry and the environment
Without water, industry would grind to a halt.
Water is a vital resource for expanding our domestic, agricultural and industrial business lines.
People need water for heating, cooling and physical activity. And this resource is increasingly necessary in all sectors of industry: agrifood, automobiles, aeronautics, energy, etc.
But water is a limited resource, as a result of conservation laws and the water cycle itself.
To prevent water waste in industry, its use has to be optimized
Our expertise in industrial water treatment provides a response to the natural incompatibility between water and the metal that makes up hydraulic systems (closed hot or cold circuits, cooling towers, steam boilers, geothermal energy, district heating systems, etc.), which squander water, as well as energy, carbon and productivity.
To prevent the scale-forming, corrosive and bacterial properties of water from unbalancing, slowing or damaging industrial circuits, their water needs to be treated.
Untreated water is less effective water,
and more energy-intensive water.
Ethical water performance
In response to this industrial challenge, the teams at ODYSSEE Environnement offer ethical performance, capable of minimizing the mark of humankind on water and the environment.
Hydroethics means decreasing the consumption of water and power by industrial circuits, without compromising on productivity. In sort, it means achieving savings for both manufacturers and the planet.