Years of


ODYSSEE Environnement is founded. On the strength of its founders’ experience in the water sector, the company develops many product ranges in its very first year:

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A range of scale-inhibiting,

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A range of products
for steam boilers

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A range of products
for closed circuits

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A range of
biocidal products

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A range of
strong>cleaning products

That same year, ODYSSEE Environnement starts treating cooling towers with a biodispersant (ODYZYME), with the goal of containing the development of biofilm, in order to halt the spread of microorganisms like legionella. At this point, the innovation is already able to reduce the use of biocides by 30%. 15 years later, this injection would become a regulatory requirement.

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ATP testing quantifies bacterial activity and the presence of biofilms in cooling tower water. This method is used to measure the effectiveness of our ODYZYME (biodispersant) products, as well as to verify and the success of their disinfecting action.

ODYSSEE Environnement is the first company to use ATP testing.


ODYSSEE Environnement creates ODYPURE, its own range of scale inhibitors, cleaners (acids, bases and disinfectants) and preservatives for reverse-osmosis membranes:

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A range of
scale-inhibiting products

In parallel, ODYSSEE Environnement develops other new products: ODYREF A52, ODYREF A55, ODYZYME NSIP and ODYTHERM IF580.


ODYSSEE Environnement invents the only ozone-resistant product available on the market:

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Scale-inhibiting, anti-corrosion properties and an integrated biodispersant (ODYZYME)

The effectiveness of this product’s anti-corrosion action in the presence of ozone has been
certified by the Corrosion Institute in Brest.


ODYSSEE Environnement creates ODYREF A91 and ODYTHERM IF550.

ODYREF A91 is the first anti-corrosion product with an integrated biodispersant for cooling towers supplied with aggressive water (3).

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Cooling towers

Integrated biodispersant – aggressive water (< 10 ppm CaCO3)

As for ODYTHERM IF550, it is the first universal product for closed circuits. It clears out clogs and allows for the preventive treatment of multiple materials.

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Closed hot or cold circuits

An all-purpose cleaning product with high dispersing power


ODYSSEE Environnement confirms its front-running position, as its ODYVAP range of products for steam boilers is guaranteed to be CMR-free and, therefore, non-carcinogenic.


ODYS ECS, a new range of scale-inhibiting, anti-corrosion products for domestic hot water, receives a technical assessment from the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Center for Building) approving the use of those products for treating water systems inside buildings.


ODYSSEE Environnement signs its first contracts for the European distribution of its solutions!

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In parallel to the sale of its products, ODYSSEE Environnement offers its clients a
range of specific equipment:

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Dosing pumps

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Conductivity regulators

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Redox regulators

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Water softeners

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ODYSSEE Environnement creates ODYSECURE, an original software application designed to continuously and automatically verify system safety:


ODYSSEE Environnement offers its clients the chance to completely digitalize their circuits with ODYGLOBAL, which includes:

  • ODYSCOPE: digitalization of field operations performed by a sales representative
  • ODYSECURE: digitalization of sensors’ field readings.

After 13 years of R&D, ODYSSEE Environnement releases a major innovation in the form of ODYLIFE, the first 100% biosourced scale inhibitor.

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ODYSSEE Environnement creates the ODYGEO range to treat
medium- and high-enthalpy geothermal systems

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A range of concentrated solutions for export

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