Innovation and production

ODYSSEE Environnement continuously innovates for the ethical performance of industrial water
Hydroethics is inherently linked to the process of pursuing ever more principled solutions, to achieve industrial water performance that conserves both that resource and the environment. Every year, 6-7% of our revenue goes to our Research & Development Department, keeping ODYSSEE a step ahead of the rest of the market.

A fundamental role
Since its creation, ODYSSEE has been built around innovative solutions developed by our teams. The primary objectives of our hydroethical researchers include offering alternatives to chemicals synthesized from petroleum and demonstrating that effective, environmentally neutral water treatment is, indeed, possible.
Alternatives to petrochemicals
In less than 15 years, ODYSSEE’s hydroethicists developed alternatives to
petrochemicals for the main issues related to industrial water usage.
Functional solutions
100% invented and made in France
These days, all of ODYSSEE’s products are developed and manufactured in Requeil, France. In 2020, the group bought
a new plant, right by the longstanding site of ODYSSEE’s headquarters, which allowed us to triple our production capacity.