Sales Director, France
06 78 46 99 67Water sobriety, industrial excellence,
innovation and more: Whatever your
issue, we have the solution!
Belle Croix
72510 Requeil
72510 Requeil
Our regional managers
France is divided into five geographic areas. Each regional manager heads up a team of hydroethicists who travel all over, optimizing water networks and guiding their clients to results with the lowest possible water footprint.

ODYSSEE Environnement abroad

Management Committee

Our locations

Headquarters, production plant, quality control lab and R&D site
ZA de la Belle Croix72510 Requeil
France +33 (0)2 43 44 39 33

Av. Senda Eterna 363, Milenio III,
76060 Santiago de Queretaro, Qro., Mexico +52 442 845 6636
76060 Santiago de Queretaro, Qro., Mexico +52 442 845 6636