Where you’re interested in water conservation or industrial productivity, our calculator can answer all of your questions!
Calculate your steam boiler’s potential water and energy savings
Identify the best scale-inhibiting product and dosage for you, and optimize your reverse-osmosis unit’s performance
Calculate your steam boiler’s potential water and energy savings
Get an estimate in 3 quick steps
Across the globe, we work on a multitude of systems (hot/cold closed circuits, cooling towers, steam boilers, process water, domestic hot water, water treatment plants and geothermal networks).
- STEP 1
- STEP 2
- STEP 3
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With ODYSSEE Environnement, you could save at least
We get paid out of the savings we help you achieve. Never more, often less.
In a shared performance plan, we will work together to define a water treatment strategy tailored to your industrial and environmental performance needs, industrial environmental according to the precept of billing based on the actual savings you achieve.
To request more information about ODYSSEE Environnement’s solutions:Identify the best scale-inhibiting product and dosage for you, and optimize your reverse-osmosis unit’s performance

Raw water
Reverse-osmosis feed pump
Pre-filtration system
Control module
Permeate (clean drinking water)
Required information
Want to save this estimate?
We get paid out of the savings we help you achieve. Never more, often less.
We will work with you to define a treatment strategy – in the form of a shared performance plan – that is tailored to your industrial and environmental performance needs, with billing based on the actual savings you achieve.
ODYSSEE Environnement – Belle Croix – 72510 Requeil – France – +33 (0)2 43 44 39 33 – siege@odymail.com
ODYSSEE Environnement – Belle Croix – 72510 Requeil – France – +33 (0)2 43 44 39 33 – siege@odymail.com