This solution is particularly intended for conditioning water from very high pressure steam generators supplied by osmosis water.
The risks incurred when the physico-chemical parameters of water are modified are the following :
– SCALING which results in a decrease of heat exchange which can cause local overheating or defects in the security mechanisms.
– CORROSION (by pitting, by differential aeration, pH range, …) can be localised both under the water level and in the entire steam system and condensates.
To these two phenomena we can add that of PRIMING (priming of water with steam) that can be the result of faulty heat exchanges, pollution of finished products when there is direct contact with steam, deposits on turbine blades, etc.
In case of regular malfunction of pre treatment system, the use of this solution considerably limits scaling into boilers.
This solution should not be used alone, it should always be associated with ODYVAP.