Legal Notices

In the interest of protecting individuals’ rights, particularly with regard to automated data processing, and out of a desire to offer transparency to its clients, SASU ODYSSEE Environnement has instituted a policy that defines all such data processing actions, their purposes and the means available to individuals wishing to exercise their rights. For more information about personal data protection in France, please feel free to visit Your continuing navigation on this website entails their unreserved acceptance of the following provisions and terms of use. You also agree to the use of cookies and other trackers. If you do not agree, click here. The version of these terms of use that is currently online will be the only binding version throughout the period of use of the site, until such time as it is replaced by a newer version.

Website (“the Website”):

Publisher (“the Publisher”):

ODYSSEE Environnement, with a capital of €119,375.00, headquartered at

ZA de la Belle Croix, 72510 Requeil, France,

et représentée par Laurent Ballu, en qualité de Président, immatriculée au RCS Le Mans B 488 697 640,
n° de téléphone: +33 (0)2 43 44 39 33
adresse mail:

Host: is hosted by 2ISR, 16 bd Faidherbe, 49300 Cholet, France.

Access to the Website

Access to and use of the Website are strictly reserved for personal use only. You agree not to use the Website or the data and information it contains for any commercial, political or advertising purposes, or for any form of business publicity, namely to send out unsolicited email.

Website content

All the trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated and non-animated images, video sequences, sound, all the software applications that may be used to run the Website and, more generally, all the elements that are reproduced or used on the Website are protected by current intellectual property laws.

They are the full and complete property of the Publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, broadcasting, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of some or all of those elements, including the software applications, is strictly prohibited without the Publisher’s prior written consent. If the Publisher chooses not to initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of that unauthorized use, this will not entail its acceptance of that use or a waiver of its right to take legal action going forward.

Website management

In the interest of managing the Website, the Publisher may, at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Website, or restrict access to the Website, certain parts of it, or a specific category of user;
  • remove any information that might disrupt how the Website functions or that breaks any national or international law or the rules of “netiquette”;
  • suspend the Website in order to update it.


The Publisher may not be held responsible in the event of a fault, failure, problem or interruption in the Website’s operations, preventing access to the site or one of its features.

The hardware used to connect to the Website is your sole responsibility. You must take appropriate measures to protect your hardware and data, namely from viral attacks over the internet. Furthermore, you are solely responsible for the websites and data that you view.

The Publisher may not be held responsible in the event of legal action against you:

  • due to your use of the Website or any service that is available over the internet;
  • due to your non-compliance with these terms of use.

The Publisher is not responsible for any damage caused to you, a third party and/or your equipment as a result of your connection to or use of the Website. To that end, you waive any right to take legal action against the Publisher on those grounds.

If the Publisher becomes a party to amicable or litigious proceedings as a result of your use of the Website, the Publisher may take legal action against you to obtain compensation for all the damage, sums, sentences and costs that might ensue from those proceedings.


The Publisher agrees that users may create hyperlinks pointing to all or part of the Website. Such links must, however, be removed at the Publisher’s request.

Any information that is accessible via a link to another website is not published by the Publisher. As a result, the Publisher has no rights to or control over the contents of that other website.

Data collection and protection

ODYSSEE Environnement collects your data.

Personal data is considered to be any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (known as a “data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a name, an identification number or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

The Publisher will primarily use any personal information that may be collected on the Website in order to manage its relationship with you and, as applicable, to process any orders you may place.

The following personal data may be collected:

  • your full name;
  • your partial IP address (with the last digits hidden);
  • your address;
  • your email address;
  • your telephone number;
  • your job title;
  • your financial data: when you make a payment for products and/or services on the Website, it will save the financial data relating to your credit/debit card.

Right of access, right to rectification and right to de-listing of your data

Pursuant to the applicable personal data regulations, you have the following rights in connection with your data:

  • right of access to your personal data, which may be exercised by writing to the email address provided below, in which case, the Website may request proof of your identity before satisfying that request;
  • right to rectification of any incorrect information about you that is held by the Website;
  • right to erasure of your personal data, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws;
  • right to restriction of processing of your personal data by the Website, in the circumstances set out in the GDPR (European Union General Data Protection Regulation);
  • right to object to the processing of your data, in the circumstances defined by the GDPR;
  • right to data portability, meaning the right to receive a copy of the personal data you provided to the Website, so that you can transmit your data to another website.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us at ZA La Belle Croix, 72510 Requeil, France,

or at

All requests to exercise your rights must include a photocopy of your current, signed, official identification and must mention the address at which the Publisher can reach you. You will receive a reply within one month of receipt of your request. That one-month timeframe may be extended by an additional two months, if necessitated by the complexity and/or the number of the requests.

In addition, since French Law 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016, was enacted, data subjects may decide what is to be done with their personal data after their death. For more information on this subject, you can visit the website of the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) at

You can also file a complaint with the CNIL via its website at

We recommend contacting us initially, via the Website, before filing a complaint with the CNIL, as we are entirely at your disposal to help resolve your issue.

Use of your data

The Website collects personal data from its users for the purposes of providing its services to them, improving those services and maintaining a secure environment. The legal basis for the data processing is the fulfillment of the contract between each user and the Website. More specifically, personal data is used to:

  • facilitate your access to and use of the Website;
  • manage and optimize the way the Website works;
  • provide user support;
  • verify, identify and authenticate data provided by you;
  • personalize services by displaying advertising based on your browsing history, according to your preferences;
  • prevent and detect fraud and malware (malicious software), and to manage any security incidents;
  • handle any disputes with users;
  • send you sales and marketing information, based on your preferences;
  • arrange the terms of use of the Website’s payment services.

Data storage policy

The Website will store your data for the period of time needed to deliver its services to you or provide you with support. If reasonably necessary or required in order to satisfy our legal or regulatory obligations, resolve any disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or apply our terms and conditions, we may also keep some of your information, even after you close your account with us or we no longer need that information to provide our services to you.

Personal data sharing with third parties

Your personal data may be shared with third-party companies, located solely within the European Union, in the following instances:

  • when you use the Website’s payment services, the Website will be in contact with the banking and other financial third parties with which it has signed contracts, for the purpose of completing those services;
  • when you post information in the form of comments on the Website, which are visible to the public;
  • when you authorize a third party’s website to access your data;
  • when the Website uses providers’ services to offer user support, advertising and payment services, which providers will only have limited access to your data (restricted to the performance of those services) and will have a contractual obligation to use your data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable personal data protection regulations;
  • if required by law, the Website may transmit data allowing it to follow up on any complaints filed against it and to comply with any administrative or legal proceedings.

Business offers

The Publisher may send you special offers from time to time. If you do not wish to receive these, please let us know here:

The Publisher’s partners may use your data to contact you with business opportunities. If you do not wish to allow this, please let us know here:

If, while visiting the Website, you gain access to any personal data, you must refrain from any collection, unauthorized use or other actions that could constitute an infringement of privacy rights or injury to reputation. The Publisher declines all responsibility in this regard.

Personal data is kept and used for a period of time that complies with current legislation.

Photographs and product representations

The photographs accompanying the product descriptions may differ from the actual products and are not binding upon the Publisher.

Applicable law

These terms of use of the Website are governed by French law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts for the location of the Publisher’s headquarters, unless a legislative or regulatory text stipulates a specific court of jurisdiction.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the products shown on the Website or about the Website itself, you can send them to us at